The History Of Our CIC

It all began in November 2020 with our first food bank, which started with a pop-up greenhouse.

In January 2021, Isaac’s mum bought him his first shed.

In April 2021, the Freemasons donated the money to buy a bigger shed as the demand increased.

As Isaac’s project grew, so did his shed. In October 2022, Redditch Round Table provided him with his current premises.

With demand still growing, our lady Mayor helped Isaac open his second food bank, this time in Batchley. December 2022

In May 2023, Isaac was ready to open his third food bank reaching out to the Abbeydale Community.

With the support of Antolin, Isaac’s fourth food bank opened in Moons Moat in June 2023 and was filmed as part of the BBC- Make A Difference Award.

December 2023, the Chairman of Redditch United did us the honor of opening Isaac’s fifth food bank, in Church Hill.